Participation to the UNDP Africa / Japan Regional Youth Workshop On Employement Opportunities In the Blue Economy, In Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
For 3 days, Young Leaders and African Entrepreneurs gathered in Addis Ababa to join the Youth Connekt Africa movement, an initiative born in Rwanda in 2012 to help Young people to become true Changemakers in their communities, while creating their own job opportunities and positively transforming their country. For the second workshop, the blue economy and the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) have been identified as the main focus areas. The participants were exposed to various sessions that allowed them to get ample information on available and exploitable opportunities in Blue Economy.
- Publié dans Networking, Technologie
Participation to the UNDP Africa Regional Youth Connekt Workshop in Entebbe, Uganda
Le programme “Ecole Numérique” initié par Fondation Orange vise à favoriser l’intégration des TIC dans l’éducation au Cameroun et plus spécifiquement, vise à fournir des tablettes tactiles et des milliers de contenus éducatifs numériques à des écoles situées en zones rurales, et ainsi, offrir aux enfants défavorisés un meilleur accès à une éducation de qualité…
- Publié dans Entrepreneuriat, Networking